Thursday, December 28, 2006

Contest 23: UI Abstraction

Theme: UI Abstraction

This contest requires you to investigate the User Interface and find those settings (mainly in De-Bug) that will make teh freaky pix... *clears throat* ...I mean will make interesting abstract compositions.

To get started:
Control-Alt-Shift toggles the Client and Server menus.

Try setting something - experiment with, say,
CLIENT--> RENDERING--> INFO DISPLAYS --> OCTREE. What about combining that with COMPOSITION? Play around :D

Don't forget the choices in the Snapshot interface - Object Mattes and Depth.
Don't forget that you can "tear off" menus so you don't have to open/close a million times.

To Enter:
Enter textures of Second Life screenshots.
Textures can be no bigger than 512x512 - rectangular photos saved as 512x512 regain their proportions once they are put on a prim.

Title up to 3 entries with your name + title <---= so I don't lose it in my inventory
Send them to Osprey Therian in a with MOD permission and COPY perms.
Give me an IM so I know to look for them.

Don't send them in a notecard - I say this as I look at textures every day but I rarely look at notecards. If I don't get your heads-up the entry gets buried under the billion spam notecards I get per week.

I hate it when things get lost - the only entries to've been lost thus far were in notecards.

This time no categories. Unmanipulated or manipulated are both OK but I haven't been getting enough entries to warrant two categories.


Entries accepted until January 20th at 5:30pm .

We will have an awards ceremony (probably on Monday, 22 January 2007).

Cash prizes.

The Photography Studio is located in The Brownstone East, Grignano
Grignano is a pg sim. <--=

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sunrise at Cotton's Dystopia

Cotton's rendition of the "Hear no evil, Speak no evil, See no evil" monkeys, with very artistic prim manipulations and curves.

Although there is no associated event, I wanted to bring to your attention a wonderful place created by Cottonteil Muromachi. I'm calling it "wonderful" because it is one of the few places in SL that manage to convey a powerful emotion in such a compelling way.

Cottonteil Muromachi, sitting and contemplating dystopia.

Cotton's Dystopia isn't a cheerful place, but it is beautiful in its architecture and composition. The weathered walls and mossy covered water sides encompass a land that opens towards the inside. It's unsettling and barren. The artwork now placed around the center gives the viewer's gaze something to embrace, like an unspoken promise of hope. I hope she decides to keep it there. :)

I encourage you, if you haven't seen this place yet, to visit it and be ready for an amazing journey within.

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