Saturday, June 09, 2007

SL's Fourth Birthday


Second Life's fourth birthday party is rather disorganised compared to last year, it seems.
This is the skinny as far as I can tell at the moment:

Shoshana Epsilon = 2d art and sculpture
moo Money Ephemeral Flan = machinima
Will Webb = community/groups
Ariel Otafuku = events
JayJay Talamasca = live music

Update: moo has left the event group.
Update 2: Ephemeral Flan is the machinima person now I understand.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Folk Festival at Mill Pond - Starts tomorrow at 3 PM SLT

We hear every day about instances in which real life explodes into Second Life. Companies are establishing communities and stores here and artists are joining in an effort to reach out to new audiences. But how about the other way around?

Grace McDunnough in concert at Bonfire. Photo courtesy of Kronos.

Second Life is about to expand out into real life with the help of a full-scale, virtual folk festival. The beautiful Mediterranean towns of Mill Pond and Stone Hill are gearing up for a breath-taking two-day celebration of art and live music, kicking off at 3 PM SLT on Friday, June 8th. Nearly 40 live musicians playing at three stages throughout the Mill Pond and Stone Hill areas, this event has gathered artists from Canada, Australia, Europe, and the United States. These are some of SL's best singer songwriters, with Montian Gilruth, Montrealer Moody, Lyndon Heart, and Dale Boyle being just some of the names participating. A full list of musicians, the exact schedule, and landmarks/SLurls can be accessed
here. The stream url is freely distributed in SL and on the web at large in an attempt to broaden the audience for SL live music.

Grace McDunnough and Micala Lumiere, two of the main folk festival organizers.

There is also a section of art vendors & displays, so come check it out, support the artists, and enjoy a great display of talent!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Opening Night

The Show Must Go On, a variety show with many performers, and which is over half an hour long, opens on Info Island at the SLL Pantheon Performance Hall on Saturday, 9 June @ 4 pm. Partial funding was provided by the Foundation For Rich Content.

Previously a glimpse of the show, without audio introductions, was performed at the Ask Patty grand opening on Ride. The Saturday opening, however, is the full show with up-to-the-minute audio enhancement. This show has been almost a year in the making, proving that development in SL can be glacially slow, yet it pays to stick with it.

After Voice hits Agni - well, the audio will change again.
